Top award for Maurice Adams at East Antrim Boat Club prize-giving
by Tom Jobling 30 Oct 2019 05:45 GMT
Maurice Adams at the East Antrim Boat Club (Gingles Trophy on the right) © Eddie Cameron
A septuagenarian yachtsman has scooped the top award at the recent East Antrim Boat Club prize-giving and awards event.
Maurice Adams, who is severely disabled with Parkinson's, received the solid silver trophy - presented to EABC by the Gingles family in the mid seventies - at the gala prize-giving and awards evening at the Larne Lough club over the Halloween weekend.
What makes Maurice's achievement memorable is for example, that Larne has no marina pontoon facilities so, just as his competitors do, he must get out to his craft, a Nova 27, via an inflatable dinghy, and scramble aboard! Owner, Eddie Cameron remarked; "Even with his dual walking aids, Maurice is not the most mobile man ashore these days, but each evening, regardless of the conditions, and as we draw alongside Sahure, he's up over the guard-wire and into her cockpit like a ship's cat up a pole. Then with tiller clutched, he becomes 'made-over '... back into yacht-racing mode."
As well as winning the top award, the Sahure crew with Maurice driving, also won their class within the clubs various points racing leagues. But Maurice is no stranger to success. Formally a member of the now defunct, Larne Rowing & Sailing Club, he has raced various sailboats over his long career afloat: Flying 15s, Highland 18s, and number of cruisers.
"Maurice Adams", Commodore Steven Kirby remarked, as he held ready the trophy, "is not famed for his time-keeping these days - well, other than on the starting line."
Totally unaware of his award, Mr Adams dandered into the club house as the final prizes were being handed out... His however, was already in the safe hands of his ever caring crew...