Little Britain Mast Climb 2003
by Jubilee Sailing Trust 3 Apr 2003 16:23 BST
Come and join us for a race up the ratlines onboard the tall ship, LORD NELSON. Climb the mast to 28 meters and ring the Mast Climb 2003 bell which will become the prize to the climber who raises the most sponsorship funds.
- Place: LORD NELSON, berthed at Thames Quay West India Docks, London
- Time: 1000 - 1830
- Date: 20th June 2003
- Entry fee: £15 per person
- Minimum Sponsorship: £50 per person
The Jubilee Sailing Trust aims to promote the integration between able-bodied and physically disabled people through the adventure of tall ship sailing. The LORD NELSON is specially designed to enable people with mixed physical abilities to actively crew the ship side by side and more
importantly as equals. The experience for crew members of living and working alongside one another builds up confidence and leads to a greater understanding of mutual abilities, needs, qualities, frustrations and interests which can help to break down the barriers of ignorance so often found in society at large.
Please call Kate MacDougall, Events Manager on 023 8044 9108 for your entry form.