Yngling Springtime Europeans conclude and 470 regatta starts on Garda
by Elena Giolai 3 May 2014 23:27 BST
30 April - 3 May 2014

National Open 470 regatta on Lake Garda © Elena Giolai
The European Springtime Championships drew to a close today at Fraglia Vela Riva after a total of 8 races which were dominated by the Dutch crew helmed by Lieuwe Gietema. In the last race on Saturday morning, however, fellow Dutchmen Jamin-Berens-Smolders were able to narrow down their lead to just three points compared with five from the day before. Third place went to Austrians Mayr-Knittel- Spaengler.
Meanwhile the National Open 470 regatta kicked off this afternoon. This is a great opportunity for many crews to train in the run up to Garda Trentino Olympic Week which starts on May 7th and is the first stage in the European Circuit "Eurosaf Champions Sailing Cup". Good southerly winds of 12-14 knots this afternoon gave the 470s the conditions to complete three races which put the Italian crew of Falcatelli-Bernard in the lead with a fifth, second and first. Following nine points behind are Slovenians Domen-Bozic (2-1-12), while in third place are Australians Conway. First among the women's crews are Italians Francesca Komatar and Sveva Carraro who are seventh overall.
The event winds up tomorrow as registration for Garda Trentino Olympic Week continues to grow. Forty-eight nations have already registered- a record for this type of Olympic event and the only one held in Italy. Thirty-two will be represented by the 470, 49er/49er FX classes which will make their logistical base at Fraglia Vela Riva.