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Lizard Spin Shoe

Haven Series Britannia Trophy Race, Harwich to Lowestoft

by Donald Duncan 25 Aug 2016 14:58 BST 20 August 2016

An entry list of 15+ boats supported this historic East coast trophy race to Lowestoft this year, although a less attractive forecast saw only 13 boats at the start off Felixstowe at 9am on Saturday morning under the control of Stuart Miler aboard the bouncing start boat 'Charlotte Sound'.

Unseasonably strong winds of 25-35 kts with 40+kts gusts from the south pushed seas up against the strong tide and provided long bursts of surfing for the downwind competitors and they initially headed north to Orford Ness after the starting gun. White sails were the order of the day with one or two short lived experiments with spinnakers and multiple broaching.

'Cassiopeia' (Fast 42) lead the seaward fleet while 'Four Glory' (Fast 42) and 'Brave' (Arcona 410) headed inshore to avoid the tide. Conditions were gusty and there were a couple of retirements on the initial leg due to gear failure and several boats suffered sail and gear damage in the strong winds.

Converging at Orford Ness saw 'Four Glory' leading 'Cassiopeia' and 'Brave' towards Southwold and on towards Lowestoft with little course change, the fleet all enjoying high downhill speeds and all finishers were safely in Lowestoft by 3pm with tales of boat speeds in the order of 15-18 knots...

Line honours went to Four Glory (1st IRC class 1) followed by Cassiopeia (3rd IRC Class 1), Brave (2nd IRC Class 1) and Zero Gravitas (1st IRC Class 2).

The Royal Norfolk & Suffolk Yacht Club hosted a great evening meal and awards presentation in their historic clubhouse. Des Cowan ('Eclipse' HYPC, retired due to foil failure) presented the awards on behalf of the Haven Series.

Most boats returned home in lumpy conditions on Sunday.

IRC Overall Results:

1. Alchemy, Impala 28, E.Harrison. (HPYC)
2. Zero Gravitas, SJ 320, Team Zero. (W&FYC)
3. Four Glory, Fast 42, Duncan/Duncan/Waller. (HPYC)
4. Brave, Arcona 410, R & C Brown. (HPYC)
5. Cassiopeia, Fast 42, Buchholz/Rinck. (CKA Germany)
6. Silver Gull, First 31.7, F. Gooderham. (OYC)
7. Ickle Jura, J-97, K. Moll. (HPYC)
8. Scorcher, Sigma 33, S. Hendry. (MYC)
9. Demijon II, Sunfast 37, D. & E Card. (HPYC)
10. Big Rafiki, Grand Surprise, A. Woolf. (HPYC)
11. Woozle Hunter, Sigma 33, I & L Invermee. (Marconi SC)

See for more information.

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